How to set up and use's main theme, built on WhatATheme
Published on December 21, 2021 by Mikanwolfe
how to setup theme
1 min READ
Well yes, though not really. is a final hosted website. That being said, it’s very easy to take the core of and modify it to your needs. This is in contrast to template repositories, there will be content to be cleared out. This content includes blog posts and so forth. On the other hand, is built on whatatheme and contains some useful additions:
This site is driven by Jekyll, a static site generator used for blogging. Notably, Jekyll is hosted on GitHub pages which means that repositories that enable pages can host a mini-website, be it for a project or other purpose. It all ties together to be a (pardon the misuse) simple stack.
Jekyll is a static site generator. Jekyll combines authored content in MarkDown format with pre-made layouts to create a website. These layouts are snippets of HTML code interspaced with Liquid to create reponsive websites that can update and change as more authored content is added.
Static Sites can still include dynamic elements using JavaScript. A good example is the navigation bar, which highlights the section based on the current size of each hero showcase division on the main page.
This post is still a work in progress :’(